Northern Colombia - July, 2023

Hooded Mountain-tanager

With twenty percent off the world's bird species, Colombia is a dream destination for most birders. In July of 2023 our dream came true thanks to Indiana Audubon, leaders Juan Diego Vargas, Cristian Manrigue, Diego Calderon (in absentia), and Brad Bumgardner. We had the privilege of visiting the Santa Marta Mountains with its numerous endemics, and the remote Perija region. This was a true adventure, involving complicated logistics, spectacular scenery, and incredible birds. Our trip began in Barranquilla, covering a wide variety of habitats, before ending in Valledupar and a flight to Bogata.

Northern Screamer

Band-tailed Guan

Andean Guan

Bare-eyed Pigeon

Scaled Dove

Smooth-billed Ani

Greater Ani

Lesser Violetear

Sparkling Violetear

Longuemere's Sunangel

Santa Marta Blossomcrown

Tyrian Metaltail

Perija Metaltail

White-tailed Starfrontlet

Santa Marta Woodstar

Red-billed Emerald

Lazuline Sabrewing

White-vented Plumeleteer

Crowned Woodnymph

Buffy Hummingbird

Steely-vented Hummingbird

Southern Lapwing

Collared Plover

Double-striped Thickknee

Large-billed Tern

Bare-throated Tiger-heron (immature)

Striated Heron

Capped Heron

Scarlet Ibis

Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture

Andean Condor (adult)

Andean Condor (immature)

Black-collared Hawk

Road-side Hawk

Black-chested Buzzard-eagle

Short-tailed Hawk

Zone-tailed Hawk

Santa Marta Screech-owl

White-throated Screech-owl

Andean Pygmy-owl

Green Kingfisher

Whooping Motmot

Rufous-tailed Jacamar

Pied Puffbird

Russet-throated Puffbird

Chestnut Piculet

Red-crowned Woodpecker

Crimson-crested Woodpecker

Green-rumped Parrotlet

Black-crested Antshrike

Perija Antpitta

Straight-billed Woodcreeper

Pale-legged Hornero

Perija Thistletail

Yellow-chinned Spinetail

Black-throated Tody-tyrant

Common Tody-flycatcher

Streak-throated Bush-tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

Golden-bellied Flycatcher

Brown-crested Flycatcher

Golden-breasted Fruiteater

Barred Fruiteater (female)

Red-crested Cotinga

Black-chested Jay

Bicolored Wren

Great Thrush

Tropical Mockingbird

Hooded Tanager

Black Flowerpiercer

White-sided Flowerpiercer

Blueish Flowerpiercer

Pileated Finch

Olive-gray Saltator

Orinocan Saltator

Black-cheeked Mountain-tanager

Hooded Mountain-tanager

Black-headed Tanager

Blue-capped Tanager

Black-capped Tanager

Glaucous Tanager

Golden-winged Sparrow

Santa Marta Brushfinch

Slaty Brushfinch

Vermilion Cardinal

Yellow-crowned Redstart

Yellow-backed Oriole

Yellow Oriole

Carib Grackle

Andean Siskin

Blue-naped Chlorophonia

Scenes from our trip

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